For more than 50 years, Sallop Insurance Inc. has been developing a sub-specialty of risk mitigation and underwriting expertise. Through education and attention to the changing political and legal environment of many complex industries, Sallop has influenced insurance practices in the healthcare and real estate industries.
This industry focus has culminated in Sallop’s ability to provide the comprehensive coverage, pricing, terms, and conditions in the marketplace today. We provide insurance services for businesses involved in aging services, home health, medical device, life sciences, organ procurement, laboratory services, reproductive medicine and healthcare.

Sallop takes a customized approach to projects with all of its clients by designing an insurance program tailored to their specific business needs. Sallop immerses itself into the day-to-day operational risks of its clients through contract review, loss experience analysis for trending, premises walkthrough, and key personnel interviews, to better understand their exposure. The team members at Sallop also have the expertise to respond as our clients as they transition into emerging higher-risk fields like assisted living and higher acuity sub-acute patients. In partnership with its specialty insurers, Sallop is able to develop comprehensive risk mitigation programs to prevent and control loss.

Commercial Insurance

Personal Lines Insurance