Risk Management
Sallop Insurance strives to improve our clients’ operations by mitigating their exposure to risks of loss. To accomplish this goal, we assist our clients in a self-analysis of their operations to identify and review loss exposures (identify those areas of “value” exposed to loss as well as measure the potential loss for frequency and severity). Sallop then assists their clients in developing techniques to handle these exposures through effective loss control programs or insurance financing measures. The implementation and monitoring of these risk mitigation processes enables our client’s daily operations to run more efficiently and loss free. This is a lofty goal and we enjoy “rolling up our sleeves” alongside our clients to achieve it. A collaborative approach which requires involvement and support from both sides is a necessary ingredient for success.
Sample Risk Mitigation Services include the following areas which would be in partnership with participating insurers and their loss control personnel:
- Initial loss exposure and review meeting with client senior management team.
- Analysis of client safety committee and assistance in improvement where needed.
- Onsite facility inspection and walk-through for premises safety discussions.
- Assistance with establishment of safety policies and procedures, training and orientation programs and employment manuals contract review for insurance and indemnification clauses (hold harmless agreements, leases, vendor/supplier contracts).
- Train-the-trainer education for clients’ supervisors/management staff on safety initiatives and assessments in workers compensation. Focus on proper reporting, investigation and monitoring a claim for results.
- Claims services for general liability, property, automobile claims including proper reporting, loss run distribution, and review for trending.
- Insurance program analysis including coverages and limits as well as exploration of alternative risk transfer programs and off-shore captive insurance protection programs.
- Frequent Interaction with client on day-to-day operational issues which create risk. For example: customer interaction, employment issues, lender negotiations and new acquisition due diligence.